Myths around IVF

Myths around IVF

Advanced reproductive technology, especially IVF, has made leaps and bounds in growth in the last 40+ years and is one of the most popular ways to try to start a family. Talking about the multiple ways of infertility solutions, IVF is considered one of the most successful ways to try and conceive and lets people undergoing fertility struggles have their dreams come true of bearing their child.

With the high success rate of Best IVF Specialist in Indore, it has become a popular option for couples and individuals who are intending to try the process. However, with multiple opinions and some myths about IVF, the internet has become a source of misguiding/misleading, which can discourage couples from trying this process.

Through a blog post, we present to you the most common 7 myths that surround IVF.

Myth 1:  “High number of embryos transferred will improve chances of pregnancy”

IVF as a process doesn’t guarantee a pregnancy. The success rate only increases your likelihood of getting viable embryos. This is why Doctors recommend single embryo transfer, to better increase your chances of pregnancy with a healthy baby.

Many prospective parents often falsely believe that the number of embryos transferred will improve their odds of a successful pregnancy. However, in actuality, by transferring 2 or more embryos there are increased risks of miscarriage, labor complications, and premature birth. Actually, transferring only one embryo is the best option. This way the risk to the mother and baby’s health is reduced.

Myth 2:  “IVF poses various risks – developmental delays, birth defects, and low birth weight.”

Despite some studies that show IVF babies tend to be smaller, there is no evidence for this myth. Such babies are not at an increased risk for developmental delays or birth defects, however. Couples with ICSI may have a higher risk of birth defects, but this may be because of sperm quality and not the procedure itself.

Genetic counseling can provide you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision for yourself and your family. A genetic diagnosis is a good way to lower your risk of having a child that is affected by genetic illness, even though it does not eliminate the chance entirely. Genetic testing is a safe way to check how healthy your embryos are and it’s recommended to do this together with the initial screening.


Myth 3:  “IVF significantly increases your risk of developing cancer.”

Multiple treatments for infertility are commonly used, and there is no scientific evidence to suggest that these treatments lead to breast or ovarian cancer. This myth has spread because IVF often involves the use of drugs that can hamper ovulation. A study found that the risk of breast and ovarian cancer among IVF patients was the same as in the general population.

It is accurate that ladies who have female factor infertility may also have an increased risk for ovarian cancer. However, this does not depend on undergoing any infertility treatment. This means that the underlying cause of infertility increases the risk rather than the treatment itself. It is thought that women who are infertile, can lead to an increased risk of ovarian cancer.


Myth 4:  “It is likely that you will have difficulty with achieving pregnancy if you are overweight.”

While it is much preferable that you start your IVF journey with optimal BMI, there’s no evidence to suggest that overweight women can’t experience IVF success. Though obesity can cause infertility, it should be noted that obese women tend to have lower implantation and success rates with IVF.

It’s much easier for both mothers-to-be and their babies if you are in your best health going into pregnancy. Women who are significantly underweight may experience reproductive issues, which is why it is important to consider your daily diet. One should be healthy before, during, and after IVF. If you have PCOS, weight loss can help to stay in shape and fit during this time. .


Myth 5: “IVF may be your best or only option”

Your experience with infertility is unique and should be treated as such. It’s estimated that 1 in 6 couples face difficulties conceiving a child in their 30s and 1 in 3 couples aged 45+. Obviously, your age makes a huge impact on your fertility, but there are many other factors at play that can make conception difficult.

For example, many women with thyroids or autoimmune health issues will cease to ovulate. It’s typically possible to restore a woman’s fertility by taking certain medications that address the underlying problem. Male factor infertility accounts for about 20%-40% of cases and can often be treated with simple lifestyle changes like weight loss, quitting addiction, etc. Some women may experience partial blockages in the fallopian tubes and have to undergo surgery like adhesiolysis, septal reduction, and tubal cannulation.

Although there are other treatment options available, for some IVF becomes the only option. These include moderate to severe male factor, low egg reserve, complete blockage, or damaged fallopian tubes

Myth 6: “IVF pregnancy requires bed rest for the entire 9 months of the pregnancy”

IVF pregnancy doesn’t require complete bedrest or restricted mobility or restrictions of any sort. Most of the time, couples/families follow such myths considering their pregnancy precious. On the contrary, extreme bedrest can lead to clot formation which can be life-threatening.

Myth 7: “IVF Pregnancies always land up in C.S.”

The mode of delivery doesn’t depend upon the method of conception. Rather it is decided by multiple factors like the baby’s weight, presentation, the process of labor, and pelvic assessment. If everything is normal, the patient can actually undergo normal delivery too.

Always Consult your Physician: 

We hope our myth-busting has cleared up your concerns. Don’t let myths about IVF misguide you. Since fertility treatment is highly individual, your doctor and your partner are all that matter in deciding the best treatment for you. If you have any questions about any fertility treatment, it may be best to consult a fertility specialist before putting your trust in the internet. Thus, it’s important to choose the right fertility treatment for your needs & get the facts from your doctor-the best source possible.

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